Hi my name is Valeria (Vah-lehr-ee-ah), I am 18 years old and currently a freshman college student. I am bilingual and currently studying medicine at Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico, which is a private univeristy ranked #1 in Mexico, #6 in Latin America, and #184 in the world. While I'm home for the holidays, since I have a longer break, I want to raise money to pay for my college and what better way to do it than to give back to my community. I have tons of experience in dogsitting, babysitting, and tutoring, but wanted to include some other talents into my services. 

I graduated from Vandegrift last year as an IB student and have always taken advanced classes. I have had art pieces displayed in various art museums and exhibits. I currently have four pieces in the Austin airport. I have helped at weddings and organizing parties, I've done my own nails for years, and I always give tips on hair and makeup. 

With all the knowledge I've gained over these past few years, I wanted to give back to the place I grew up in and help with your daily life and provide care to you and your family, including your lovely pets!